mercoledì 24 novembre 2010

Girl Genius for Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Girl Genius for Wednesday, November 24, 2010: "The Girl Genius comic for Wednesday, November 24, 2010 has been posted."

lunedì 22 novembre 2010

Snow Job Ch 04 Pg 15

Snow Job Ch 04 Pg 15: "

Snow Job Ch 04 Pg 15

I’m not really satisfied with panel 2, but for the life of me, I just could not figure out a way to visually show Sky and Bennesaud struggling against the ropes. I think the little white action-y lines are a bit cheesy and don’t fit the look of the series very well, so I don’t use them too often. But it was really all I had to work with to convey some sort of movement.

Regarding Ril’s buckle knives, as I mentioned in previous posts, I like for all the information to be there for readers if they know to look for it. So in this case, I deliberately drew him with his buckle showing back in the first page of this issue, The Big Snow Job #4, Page 1. It’s really tiny and easy to miss, which I guess is the point. But I wanted it to be there. And it’s also why I wanted to call attention to it in the Free Kespa Colony Station disarming scene, way back in The Big Snow Job #1, Page 17.



22.11.2010: "Video 800x600? Evolviti TeKnosauro! ^___^

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venerdì 19 novembre 2010

martedì 9 novembre 2010

Girl Genius for Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Girl Genius for Wednesday, November 10, 2010: "The Girl Genius comic for Wednesday, November 10, 2010 has been posted."

Page 55

Page 55: "

Page 55

Still having internet trouble, but I won’t sit around while there’s a perfectly free (and legal) wifi spot just down the street. *shivers*

The vote incentive is more of that WIP Dagger illustration I’ve been working on :3

A couple of big reveals on this page. Seta’s full name is Adamo DiSeta. Possibly because of his relation to the well-known military figure Shar DiSeta, people in the academy would often refer to Adamo by his surname only and it eventually caught on as a nickname.

I hope it’s clear by now that Luna and Seta aren’t blood relatives. They’re adopted siblings :B

Last page of this scene. I think some people will like the scene this transitions into :3

Thanks so much for the comments. I’ll try to get some replies in as soon as I can :D


lunedì 8 novembre 2010

Girl Genius for Monday, November 08, 2010

Girl Genius for Monday, November 08, 2010: "The Girl Genius comic for Monday, November 08, 2010 has been posted."

A Sticky Situation!

A Sticky Situation!: "The pun in the title is by far the best writing you'll get out of me today. I love lame puns -- they are oddly amusing. Like crap stand-up. Another thing I can watch and tentatively enjoy.


Page 223

Page 223: "


Now Vanity has the decorator’s bug, his style being pompous.

Poor pushover Tanked has lost his room, he should probably go sleep on the couch. He reminds me of my cats; I have a male and a female and really the only time they show any behavior differences is mealtimes (and humping times but she’s just not into it). Normally Toaster doesn’t cower except when I put the dishes down and she lets the male eat first from her dish (if I put down both he goes to hers first). If I move Neko away he scarfs his down really fast and then moves to her’s wether she’s done or not. I literally have to referee until she’s done with the added Sammy complication as he wants to get his paws in there too and they both back down when he arrives. Neko has thankfully given up fighting back when it comes to Sam. The baby laughs whenever the cat hisses at him and then tries to hug him which usually ends up in a cat pancake and some fluffy tail. I’ve tried squirt guns and yelling at him and whacking his rump (the cat, not the baby) and he still disobeys me whenever he can. I can’t get this 14 pound animal to listen to me… I don’t know if that bodes well for raising a human (he rarely listens to me too).

I don’t think a mutated or otherwise enhanced Evil would ever use his powers for good but I did think of one character with traits Evil would enjoy.

I also finally got some backlogged fanart up including lots more Gay (he fittingly seems to be the most popular subject especially this adorable Spirit Day image) and my favorite so far by Vivzmind which is just awesome! (Go check out her Deviant page, rocking animated style indeed!)


#236 – “Like Rare Minerals”

#236 – “Like Rare Minerals”: "

I know there’s been a fair bit of missed updates lately; it’s really a compound problem between a whole lot of things slowly piling up and I’ve simply had a need to take it easy and address things one thing at a time.

As for this page, like the prior it ties into Te’len and where she’s headed. All of this was dialogue I had wanted to get into the Deadmines, but really didn’t find the space to, so it’s ended up here instead. I felt it really had to happen before.. certain other things happen.


Gutters: Issue #56 - Obsidian Abnormal

Gutters: Issue #56 - Obsidian Abnormal: "

The folks at PanMcMillan are in fact putting out the graphic novel adaptation of the Anne Frank Diary. My initial reaction to the project was negative, but with time, it's changed. The Diary, that girl's life, is an important story. If this aids in sharing that story with a new audience, than I'm okay with that.

Today's page, celebrating the ridiculousness that sometimes is the comics world, was done by O:

I call myself O Abnormal, but in case you’re wondering I was given the name Sergio Villa-Isaza by my parents. I’d rather you called me O, though.

What can I say? I studied graphic design here in Colombia, where I currently live and work as an illustrator through the internet (although I’d love to travel). My work on the web started in 2003, doing commission artwork. In 2004 I started the webcomic “COMMISSIONED” (, a comic strip that revolves around the life of a cartoon-version of myself and my friends as we play RPGs and have weird adventures that overlap reality and the imagination (I just love how that way of saying it makes it sound so educated and well-mannered).

My fantasy artwork can go from pseudo-realistic to cartoonish, but both rely heavily on lots of detail. I normally do pencilwork, watercolors, inkswashes and can also color digitally; most of the time I’ll just work with a mixture of some or all of them.

For the record, I felt completely ridiculous writing this.

We'll see you on Wednesday, folks.



#263: Recruitment

#263: Recruitment

Page 83

Page 83: "


Not much of a family reunion but better then nothing and the forest might prove to be more difficult then Lady Skar had anticipated…

A comment about the randomness of my posting.

I do my best to post each week but as you’ve come to know and love(?), that just isn’t the case sometimes. Until that time when Aardehn is providing a monthly income, enough to sustain my wife, dog and two cats, then paying work will always trump it… much to my dismay.

I can’t promise weekly updates but I will promise Aardehn will always continue. Can’t and won’t let it die!

Anyways, thanks again to all those that continually stop on by and enjoy my bizarre little world. Cheers!


Snow Job Ch 04 Pg 13

Snow Job Ch 04 Pg 13: "

Snow Job Ch 04 Pg 13

Here we have a small part of the Khoruysa Brimia that hasn’t been shown to date. I figured it would be cool to have a small cot-like sleeping area near the cockpit, just in case someone needed a little shut-eye but still wanted to stay close to the cockpit in case of an emergency. It’s basically a nook in the wall between the cockpit and the commons. In panel 2, you can see part of the railing that separates the cockpit floor deck from the dining table itself.



8.11.2010: "Video 800x600? Evolviti TeKnosauro! ^___^

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domenica 7 novembre 2010