domenica 24 ottobre 2010

Issue 12, Page 21

Issue 12, Page 21: "10-22-2010
Author Comment:
Isaac and Annie finally get to meet Xel'Duum!

This page is a little weird, because everyone here is speaking the Tongue of the Ancients. I'm just translating it into English for you, and I'm taking liberties with the translation.

If I were to translate this page word for word from the Tongue of the Ancients into English, it would say:

Isaac: 'I am He Who Laughs. This is Grace. What is your name?'

Xel'Duum: 'I am Blood-Drinker.'

That was, in fact, the original script. If I were a better writer, I wouldn't have written myself into this particular corner.

Such is my life right now. Big changes. Huge changes coming. And big surprises!

First, though, read this blog post if you haven't already. It's very important.

And: Monday starts the last week of Issue 12! Be here.

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